
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wake up around 11am plus,
Go out for lunch.
Sometimes will have a walk with friends after lunch,
Most of the time will call me after you are home.

When you are home,
You will play game with him.
Slight Sms with me,
Around 4pm,
You will have your nap.

Wake up again around 5pm,
Sms me after you wake up,
I know its time for you to bath and have your dinner.
After dinner,
You will call for awhile.

Telling me you going to play with him again.
Ok! Just go on.
Call me around 1am,
which is when you want to sleep.
Talk for awhile.
Telling me lets sms.
This is the only time where im REALLY sms ing with you.

Do you get what Im trying to say?
This is the time where you are only SMS ing with me without doing other things.
The way you sms at night is so different.
I know you never realize it,
Because im the one who reading it,
Not you.!

Those sms-es that you sent to me at night are longer,
Not to say its more meaningful but at least when i tell you something you will reply slightly longer?

You always ask me what m i doing..?
But i rarely ask you what are you doing,
Because i know what you are doing during different time.

Things changed, if you realize.
We rarely skype anymore.
I wonder , if that day i did not say i want to skype,
I bet we will never skype until now.

Afraid to tell you things in the afternoon.
Do you know why?
Im afraid the next message you reply is telling me you wanna play game,
Or you wanna take a nap.
How do you want me to response beside telling you okokay?

Im wondering,
Could you write down things i do like what i wrote up there?
I bet you can't.
Should i ask you about it?
Or should i just Shut up and just Shut up?

I don't know why i write this for,
Im not blaming anyone,
And maybe im thinking too much,
Wanting too much from what I already have,
Expressing my feeling over here is better than i just keep it to myself.

If you bother to read,
You will know what happened.


Monday, December 27, 2010


I expected something,
Yet there is nothing.


I expected more,
Yet there is nothing.


I don't expect anything,
Because knowing there would be nothing again.

31. / 1.

Don't even dare to expect for something,
Because heart is not meant to be broken,
And expectations, hurt.

If don't want to get hurt,
Please quit expecting,
Because it kills you silently and slowly without you realizing it.