
Sunday, October 03, 2010

Just a failure as usual.

Failed to cook a simple maggie ;
Failed to wash my clothes without making it coloured in the end ;
Failed to take good care of my lappie until need to send it for repair ;
Failed to take good care of myself until got gastric ;
Failed to take good care of my earphone until one side of it is soundless ;
Failed to fold my clothes nicely ;
Failed to control my temper ;
Failed to cheer myself up ;
Failed to spend money wisely ;
Failed to solve my own problems ;
Failed to not asking helps from people ;
Failed to become independent ;
Failed to not thinking about all kind of craps ;
Failed to not being childish ;
Failed to get things done in time ;
Failed to not torturing myself not no reason ;

The most importantly,
I failed to make you quit,
I failed to make myself as a reason for you to quit ;
I failed in thinking that I can make you quit .

Please call me ATotalFailure. Thanks.


XiaoQiii said...

What failure?! ><

SheR said...

lol fail to make sb stop liking you isit?

紫翼。月 said...

maggie ! nvm i teach you! FOR FREE~~xD

SheR said...

Yalor bibi. Next time 2J should join our maggie session! ngekngek :P


SeptRomance said...

Hahaha..Bibi, next time i bring you here only, den u make for me la! =P
Da Jie, i dont eat maggie as Supper! I guess..LOL excuse for my laziness to cook maggie with you all..Baobei, i listed all the things that i failed to do.. =((

XiaoQiii said...

Diam diam lo you, you're not a failure! xD